It is not too early to start training for the Wimborne Minster Pancake Race which is all set to run again this year. It will take place on Shrove Tuesday 4th March.
The venue is as always, outside the main north porch entrance to the Minster and the first race will commence at 11.00am as the Pancake Bell is tolled. Competitors will be required to run round the Minster tossing their pancakes at the four corners of the church.
All competitors should report to the north porch by 10.30am to enrol, complete with frying pan and ready cooked pancake. Anyone can enter, male or female, young or old, individuals, schools, groups and organisations. All are most welcome.
So have we some challengers (over 18) to win the “John Loader Memorial Cup”, presented by Martyn and Kathy Curtler and become the Minster Pancake Champion 2025?
There will also be races for the under 18’s. Depending on the number of entries these will again be spilt into three age ranges 4-9, 9-13 and 13-18. Likewise there will be races for pre-schools and toddlers and those using wheelchairs. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each category.
So come on, get yourself into training for the big day. Entry forms will be available in the Minster and in the Parish Office in Church House, (next to the Minster) during February or just turn up in the day and have some fun!