The January Meeting attended by over 40 members was enjoyed by all present. Taking place in the St Catherine’s Church Hall the speaker was Sam Stewart who gave an illustrated talk on his life as a Wild Life Filmmaker. Sam has travelled to many parts of the world but two of the highlights in his talk were visits to Antarctica and the Galapagos Islands. The close up shots of animals and birds were amazing and it also showed the dangers and discomforts of filming the wild life. It certainly had the audience sitting on the edge of their seats.
Sam had filmed for the David Attenborough Programme and had a lifelong wish to meet him. His dream was fulfilled when the two met during filming above the Old Harry Rocks right here in Dorset.
Two new members enrolled at the meeting bringing the membership for the club which is still less than two years old to 55. New members are welcome. The annual member-ship is £12 a year. The Club meets monthly and also arranges two shows, the next being the Spring Show on Saturday 29th March. The late Summer Show will take place on Saturday 30th August.
The February meeting will be held on Monday the 3rd at the St Catherine’s Church Hall, Lewens Lane (Rodways Corner) Wimborne and commences at 7.30pm. The Speaker will be Dan Benson of Brothers Farm with the title of his talk “Nurturing the Flower Field and the UK’s oldest blueberry plantation”. All are welcome.
Full details of all events including the Schedule of Classes for the Spring Show can be found on the Clubs website: