CIL Funded Projects
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge that local authorities set on new developments. The funds raised are used to invest in improved infrastructure, facilities and services for residents. Such as schools, transport improvements etc.
The Parish Council is given 15% of the money levied on new developments by Dorset Council. It must use this money on infrastructure projects within 5 years.
In the past the PC has used CIL funding to pay for a new playpark.
Recently it has completed several CIL funded infrastructure projects, and it has a number planned for the future. All projects, no matter how small, must be discussed, costed, approved by council and then planned before any works take place.
Projects We Have Recently Completed
We installed a defibrillator on the wall of the One Stop shop. The One Stop were excellent and assisted with the actual installation and they provide the electrical power to it for free. The PC managed to obtain 50% grant funding from London Hearts to purchase the defibrillator.
Play Park Communications Board
The PC installed a communications board in the play park. The board is designed to assist children and adults with difficulties communicating or expressing their needs verbally. The board uses a mixture of symbols and pictures to achieve this.
Additional Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)
The PC purchased and installed two additional SIDs. These are the devices that light up and display a driver’s speed. They can be effective in making drivers aware of the speed limit in the area and their own speed in relation to it. The PC now has three SIDs which are distributed throughout the parish area.
Village Hall Signage
The PC created new signage in the form of a tall post and hanging signs. Each displays a group which uses the village hall complex. Designs were produced based on the requirements of each group. The signs were then fabricated by a local graphic designer. The post was sourced locally from a local sustainable timber yard.
Additional Dog Waste Bins
The PC already operates quite a number of dog waste bins which are emptied by DWP at a cost to the PC. We had been contacted by residents over a period of time requesting additional dog waste bins in several areas. As a result, we installed an additional bin on the Castleman Trailway and a new bin by the gravel track leading to Lions Hill.
Braeside Glade Community Orchard
The PC has recently planted eight fruit trees in the glade. There are 2 x apple, 2 x plum, 2 x cherry, 2 x pear. The PC worked with the Dorset National Landscape Team in identifying suitable trees and where they should be planted. We then obtained a grant from the Dorset Community Tree Fund to purchase the trees and assist with watering them over the next two summers. The trees were planted in December with assistance from the Little Learners Nursery and residents.
Future Projects
New Fence in Braeside Park
The existing chain link fence that separates Braeside Park from the scouts hut has many holes, the concrete posts are failing and many trees and shrubs are growing through the fence. The fence will be removed and the ground levelled throughout, then a new ‘V’ mesh, welded fence installed. This work is due to start in Feb 25.
New Playpark Fence
The existing playpark fence is made of timber slats fixed to metal rails. The timber slats are rotting and need replacing. We will keep the metal railing and replace the timber slats with reformed plastic slats. The colour of the new slats may be brown or another brighter single colour or even rainbow colours. This work may be carried out later in 2025.
Mains Extension Cable
When the Village Hall holds the summer fete on Braeside Rec it needs electricity to supply the various stall holders. Normally a generator or two are hired. The PC plans to purchase an industrial sized electrical extension lead with junction boxes and connections that can be rolled out to the stall holders. It will be fed from the mains electrical supply situated in the Village Hall. The cable will be available for other functions throughout the year.
Bus Shelters
The PC plan to purchase a number of bus shelters to be installed where school children wait for their bus in the mornings. This will protect them from inclement weather while they wait for their bus. This project will need liaison between the schools, bus service and Dorset Council highways. At the moment no timeframe for the works has been established.
Telephone Box
The PC may purchase an old style red phone box and install it near to the entrance to the village hall complex. It could be used to house a book exchange and/or colourful flowers.
Village Signage
Consideration has been given to creating a large sign advertising St Leonards and St Ives. It could be a stone structure or a fabricated metal sign. An exact location has not been agreed or a suitable design produced. More work is still to be done on this.
Additional Benches
The PC is considering purchasing and installing benches throughout the parish. The exact number and locations is still to be decided.
Increasing Size of Basketball Court
The basketball court in Braeside Park is small and has only one post and net. Consideration is being given to enlarging the tarmac playing area, marking it correctly and adding an additional post and net.