01202 894397

Wimborne Goes Green Again!

Don’t miss this year’s Planet Wimborne Green Festival: it’s back in town from Saturday 12th to Saturday 19th October.

With its week of fantastic events and activities for all ages, it’s a townwide celebration of all things green and environmentally-friendly. Community groups, local organisations and businesses, churches and schools have once again joined forces to put together a varied programme to inspire and equip us all to live more sustainably and take better care of our precious planet.

The Festival will be officially opened on the Minster Green at 10.30am on Saturday 12th October by Wimborne’s mayor, Councillor Jeff Hart, accompanied by town crier Chris Brown, Repair Shop’s Sonnaz Nooranvary and Womble Orinoco.

During the week, you can try your hand at making plastic-free bunting or hazel fences; you can visit a nature-friendly farm or Lush’s green Hub; you can hear about the bird-life of Poole Harbour or the River Allen Recovery Project; you can join a sustainable food tour round some of Wimborne’s restaurants or investigate travel options at the Green Transport Hub…. Not to mention children’s craft activities and a poetry competition, a film night – and much more.

Keep an eye out for the fold-out programme which will be available in September. Check the Planet Wimborne website (www.planetwimborne.org/wimborne-green-festival), our Facebook page (Planet Wimborne) or email wimbornegreenfestival@gmail.com for the latest details.