01202 894397

Bournemouth Arts Club 103rd Annual Exhibition

“It’s been nearly 18 months since our last ‘Annual’, so we’ve got a bumper crop of exciting new work for our 103rd Annual Exhibition!” says Bournemouth Arts Club Chair Sarah Moore.

Selected and curated by leading Hampshire artist Julie Collins, the show at The Gallery Upstairs, Upton Country Park, Poole, from September 25th – October 8th, features paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture and a range of 3D work including ceramics, handmade books and enchanting miniatures.

“For over a century the Club has set the standard in contemporary arts for Bournemouth and the surrounding area,” continues Sarah. “True to our commitment to moving with the times, we are in the middle of a recruitment drive for the best new artists in the region, and have just announced an exciting re-design of our logo – for only the third time in our history.”

Full membership is by selection only, but anyone with an interest in contemporary art is welcome as an Associate Member. Associates may join in with all Club events and activities, but only Members may submit work for exhibition.

For further information about the Club, visit bournemouthartsclub.co.uk
Gallery Upstairs, Upton Country Park, Poole BH17 7BJ
Thursday 26th September – Monday 7th October 2024
Open daily 10.00am – 4.00pm

Photo: Dick Hewitson ‘Worbarrow Bay from Flowers Barrow’