01202 894397

Recent Rescues and Training Updates

In May the Swanage lifeboats have launched five times. On 6th May the inshore lifeboat assisted local police and HM Coastguard to bring a vessel and crew ashore during a water based incident. On 19th May the inshore lifeboat was task to investigate a small unoccupied dingy reported as drifting off St Albans Head. The vessel was located, and it appears that the dingy was an old vessel that had drifted afloat from the shore. The dinghy was returned ashore, and the lifeboat returned to station, only to launch a few hours later alongside the all-weather lifeboat to carry out a medical evacuation.

On 25th May both lifeboats launched again to two separate incidents. The inshore lifeboat launched to a kayaker in difficultly at Peveril Ledge. As the lifeboat prepared to search for the casualty, the kayaker was reported as having been recovered safe to a passing dive boat and the lifeboat was freed to return to station. Later the same day the all-weather lifeboat joined a multi-agency search for a missing diver. The Swanage lifeboat crew searched for 10 hours, being stood down just after 2am with nothing found. Our thoughts remain with the family and friends of the missing diver.

With the longer evenings the volunteers continue to take the opportunity to train with some local organisations who provide water based activities. In May our volunteers had a training exercise with our local outdoor activity organisations Cumulus Outdoors and Land & Wave Ltd. The evening was a great chance to find out more about how each organisation operate, review the kit each carries at sea and to practise scenario based training in our local area. The crew practised person recovery from the water and cliff transfers.

Dates for your diary – Swanage Lifeboat Week – Saturday 10 August to Sunday 18 August 2024.
Photo credit: Jordan @jurassicwatersports