01202 894397

West Moors Celebrates 80 Years with Vibrant Community Events

West Moors Town Council will be joining the rest of the UK and Europe in commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings, codenamed Operation Overlord, which took place on 6 June 1944.

On Thursday 6 June 2024, the bravery and sacrifice of those people in securing the peace and freedom we enjoy today, will be observed by West Moors residents coming together and reminiscing and sharing stories, at Pinehurst Community Church, with a fish and chip lunch and a performance by The Land Girls.

West Moors Town Council are hosting this event for FREE, for which 60 tickets are available. So far, 32 have been allocated.

Doors open 12noon and Fish and chip lunch served between 12:30 and 12:45pm.

Land Girls performing for 45mins after lunch approximately at 1:30pm.

Contact the office for tickets:
Tel: 01202 861044 (10-2 Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri) or email: office@westmoors-tc.gov.uk with address, name, email & number of tickets required).

To mark this 80th anniversary further, at 3pm, by the War Memorial on the Petwyn, our West Moors Town Cryer Ian Mitchell, will perform a cry (approved by Bruno Peeks, written by Christian Ashdown, Chairman of the AHGTC (Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers), which will immediately be followed by a very short service, led by Reverend Michael Eaton @St Mary’s Church, West Moors

Everyone is welcome.

West Moors Town Council will be flying the official D-Day ‘Flag of Peace’ for the service, until the next day.

To find out more about the events taking place across the UK to mark D-Day visit www.d-day80beacons.co.uk