01202 894397

Art Exhibition and sale Stockbridge Town Hall 24th and 25th July

The art exhibition will run from 10:30am -17:30pm each day

Hugh Dumas, a local artist, has decided the time has come for local artists to show what they have been creating in “Lockdown”. He has organised an Exhibition and Sale of the work of Test Valley artists in The Stockbridge Town Hall on the 24th and 25th of July. He says he will be showing an interesting and varied collection of art works, painted by himself and the many other artists in the Stockbridge area.

Hampshire has been at the forefront of looking after Ukrainian Refugees who, only a year ago, were living a normal life in Ukraine! In the Stockbridge area in particular, several families have opened their hearts and their homes to look after these wonderful people. He is planning to donate 20% from the net sales to assist Ukrainian Refugees as they go forward with their lives in this country.

He is most grateful to Alix Baker, Julia Cassels, Caroline Harvey-Bathurst, Christina Meade, Sally Milligan, and Lisa Steinke who have, he says, “taught him all he knows about painting”, and who have kindly painted or donated to this Exhibition.

He would also like to thank other local artists and helpers who have given so freely of their time; and the many Sponsors (mentioned elsewhere) whose contributions will undoubtedly help to ensure the success of this fund-raising Art exhibition and sale.

For further information please contact Hugh Dumas at:
Tel: 01794 388 275
Email: hpedumas@gmail.com