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Valuable feedback will shape future Dorset transport plan

The feedback and experiences of residents, businesses and visitors on travel and transport have now been published.

The data collected in early 2024 is helping Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council to shape a new Local Transport Plan (LTP), setting out a vision for transport and travel infrastructure across the county. A lot has changed since the last plan was published in 2011, so the new LTP will aim to address current transport needs and prioritise future investments.
Over 3,000 people responded to the survey and 300 attended events across the county. More than 90 interested groups, representing local communities, people with mobility needs, health providers and transport operators also provided valuable input. People shared issues they experience and ideas for improving travel and transport.
They told the councils:

  • Public transport does not meet people’s needs including frequency, affordability, and accessibility.
  • Mobility hubs have great potential to transform our transport system for the better.
  • Access to a car is important to maintaining independence.
  • The lack of transport options is contributing to declining mental health, particularly among the older population in rural areas.
  • Congestion is an ongoing problem across urban areas during the summer season and peak times of day
  • Understanding the specific needs of different groups of people is key to removing barriers and creating fair access to transport for all
  • They are willing to change travel behaviour, but alternatives must be in place for people to make the change
  • The movement of people and goods should be more efficient to benefit the economy and the environment
  • The councils are using the feedback to produce the new transport plan which will run until 2040.
  • Public consultation on the draft strategy and implementation plan will take place in late summer to early autumn 2025.
  • Once adopted by the councils in spring 2026, the new plan will help secure national funding for necessary transport improvements
  • LTP4 will support sustainable economic growth and work alongside both councils’ Local Plans to ensure development planning and transport planning work together.

Councillor Andy Hadley, Portfolio Holder for Climate Response, Environment and Energy at BCP Council, said: “We have listened to residents, visitors and businesses and understand what transport challenges LTP4 must tackle to improve transport for everyone, wherever they live in urban or rural Dorset. We understand the need for improved public transport that tackles the current issues around frequency, availability, affordability and accessibility. There is an urgent need to harness the willingness to change travel habits shown in the survey, reducing emissions and creating cleaner, healthier places. This is especially true for short distance trips, which require alternative, accessible and safe options being in place for people to use. Many thanks to everyone who responded to the survey or came to talk to us – your feedback is invaluable.”

Cllr Jon Andrews, Cabinet Member for Place Services, Dorset Council, said: “We had an excellent response to our survey and I thank everyone for taking the time to share their thoughts and experiences. The results convey the breadth of challenges faced by many people. It is important the new plan works for everyone, supporting residents, businesses, workers and visitors with their transport needs. It must provide a safe, reliable and accessible transport system by striving to reduce the transport related problems experienced by people every day across the whole of the county. All the feedback received is valuable as we shape the priorities of the new plan.”