01202 894397

Dorset ME Support: Empowering Chronic Fatigue Patients

Fundamental in setting up the specialist CFS/ME Clinic at Wareham Hospital the Dorset ME Support Group went on to secure funding from the NHS in 2009 for my full-time post of Self Care Coordinator. We continue to work in partnership with the Clinic and patients are referred to us when they have completed the Condition Management Programme.

DMESG Trustees and staff aim to support people in Dorset affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS)and Long Covid.

The aims of the Group and specifically my role is to promote a healthy lifestyle, reinforce condition management, provide practical advice and guidance, organise social activities/workshops and one to one support where needed. Events and activities have included Mindfulness, stress management, carers support, social events, arts & craft, trips to our allotment, boat trips, walks, secluded swimming, visits to museums/gardens/beaches, BBQ’s and picnics.

Our members are offered informal monthly meetings in 9 areas across Dorset where they can share information and mutual support. Recently, one new member said “I am so delighted to have discovered Dorset ME Support. I had the pleasure of meeting other members yesterday and returned home feeling so uplifted”

In addition to social activities and face to face meetings we arrange regular online video calls making it more accessible for members to ‘meet’ and support each other.

If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a member at a cost of £10 per year, please contact our administrator Carol on 01305 777670 or help@dorsetmesupport.org.uk or visit our website dorsetmesupport.org.uk