At our October meeting, we were pleased to help celebrate the 100th birthday (on the day, and with her two daughters present) of our member Joyce Williams.
Joyce has been a member of WI for over 70 years, 50 of them in West Moors. She has also been a member of WI Clubs in Cumbria and Wales.
She recalled her memories of her time spent in WI, with particular mention of the various campaigns such as ‘Keep Britain Tidy’. I remember her telling me that when she joined WI, the annual subscription was 3 shillings and sixpence!
Joyce has led a very interesting and varied life, living in different areas of the UK and in Nepal, and in recent years has given presentations to the club about her time spent as a housewife in Nepal and her trip to Base Camp, Everest for her 40th Wedding Anniversary.
Joyce read out a poem her family had written about her life, which could be sung to the tune of Jerusalem!
We then presented ‘the birthday girl’ with a celebratory cake and flowers. Yvonne Marsh, in her capacity as District Chair, wished Joyce a Very Happy Birthday from the Dorset Federation.
After tea and a slice of delicious birthday cake, we heard a very interesting and informative talk by a representative from Citizens Advice.