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West Moors WI – November 2024

At our October meeting, we were pleased to help celebrate the 100th birthday (on the day, and with her two daughters present) of our member Joyce Williams.

Joyce has been a member of WI for over 70 years, 50 of them in West Moors. She has also been a member of WI Clubs in Cumbria and Wales.

She recalled her memories of her time spent in WI, with particular mention of the various campaigns such as ‘Keep Britain Tidy’. I remember her telling me that when she joined WI, the annual subscription was 3 shillings and sixpence!

Joyce has led a very interesting and varied life, living in different areas of the UK and in Nepal, and in recent years has given presentations to the club about her time spent as a housewife in Nepal and her trip to Base Camp, Everest for her 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Joyce read out a poem her family had written about her life, which could be sung to the tune of Jerusalem!

We then presented ‘the birthday girl’ with a celebratory cake and flowers. Yvonne Marsh, in her capacity as District Chair, wished Joyce a Very Happy Birthday from the Dorset Federation.

After tea and a slice of delicious birthday cake, we heard a very interesting and informative talk by a representative from Citizens Advice.