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Don’t feed the locals – A guidebook to Weymouth

Are you looking for a way to discover lots of hidden gems in Weymouth? This guidebook written by Budmouth Academy students is perfect for finding the best ways to spend your time in this wonderful town and showcase’s favourite locations you don’t want to miss out on!

Start by diving into the book and discovering 4 pages of the author’s favourite places in Weymouth, titled “There is nothing better in Weymouth than…”. From strolling across the beach with an ice cream to the magic of the atmosphere of the pavilion, there is something for everyone.

Turn the page and you will find reviews of must visit locations in Weymouth. The exciting reviews range from fields to fudge shops and will make you want to visit every location!

Are you interested in the history of this brilliant town? Dive into 4 pages of fascinating history where you will discover the origins of Weymouth as well as the history of the Nothe Fort.

Only 1 of 2 left on British sands, Weymouth’s Punch and Judy show has been a favourite for many visitors on a seaside holiday. Mark Poulton, the Punch and Judy man, was interviewed by the students and you can read all about his career and how his passion for puppets began. His advice for anyone wanting to pursue puppetry… “Don’t do it for the money, do it for the passion.”
When the project for the book began, the students went on a trip into the town gathering ideas of things to include in the book. As well as this, they took photographs of interesting things they saw.

Explore insightful poetry by reading the concrete poem based on their photographs as well as a collective poem titled “My Town”.

After exploring the locations of the book, sit back and escape into the creative stories written by each student that will set your mind wandering.

This guidebook can be purchased for £5.99 from thebankofdreamsandnightmares.org. All proceeds go directly into running the bank of dreams and nightmares which is a charity offering free creative writing workshops to children in West Dorset.

Photo Credits: Eddy Pierce