“The Fight” by Jackie Ridout was awarded the trophy in the advanced category of Viewfinders of Romsey Camera Club’s Projected Digital Image of the Year competition. Peter Rocchiccioli was the judge and he said it was a very good image. Jackie also received a Seal of Merit for another of her images. Malcolm Richardson took second place with “Modern Art Gallery with Reflection Images” and Stephen Cooper was awarded third place for “Mirror on the Wall, Who is Ugliest of Them All?”. Stephen received a Seal of Merit for another image and further seals were awarded to Ali Johnston, Lynn Lambeth, Roy Lambeth and Louise Sampson.
In the primary category, Carolyn took first place with “River Nostalgia” which the judge described as having beautiful colours. Hilary Henery took second and third places with “Early Morning Light, Loch Houm” and “High and Dry”.
Some of these images may well be included in Viewfinders’ annual exhibition which will be held at Romsey Abbey from 13th to 21st July as part of Romsey Festival.
Viewfinders meets most Tuesdays at the Jubilee Hall, New Road, Timsbury and new members, regardless of photographic experience, are always welcome. For more information, visit the club’s website at www.viewfinderscameraclub.org.uk or e-mail secretary@viewfinderscc.org.uk