01202 894397

Romsey Ramblers, Replacing Right of Way markers in Braishfield

In addition to walking in our beautiful countryside, the Ramblers often get involved in footpath maintenance projects including replacing Rights of Way (ROW) marker signage when needed.
Analysis of RoW problems reported to County, show that waymarking makes up around 25% of all reports, with fingerposts making up around half of those. Romsey Ramblers’ latest survey of RoWs in Braishfield Parish included a number of fingerpost issues. So, their group of volunteers, supervised by HCC, recently spent a morning installing 5 new fingerposts and 3 waymarker posts. Other fingerposts were cleared of vegetation and another way-marking issue was resolved with new waymarker disks applied to a kissing gate.

It is a legal requirement that where a Right of Way (RoW) meets the public highway, the RoW is waymarked with its type (footpath, bridleway, etc) and direction. Ideally, this is with a fingerpost so that motorists can see where pedestrians may be entering from concealed locations onto the highway.

If you would like to join Romsey Ramblers on any of their upcoming walks or get involved with improving local footpaths, you can find information and contact details on their website www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/ramblers-groups/romsey-group

Please check the Romsey Ramblers website for the most up-to-date information, and contact the leader if you’d like to join a walk.