01202 894397

West Moors Annual Litter Pick

There couldn’t have been a nicer day for our 18 selfless neighbours to come together and get West Moors looking it’s best for another 2 months. The Sun was shining, everyone was smiling, and we saw some familiar faces and new faces this morning.

One volunteer came back to the office pleased that she was sincerely thanked by a resident for the work she does, and asked how he could join.
West Moors Town Council Litter picking events are open to people of all ages and you will be provided with bags, gloves and pickers (you’re welcome to bring your own gloves if you’d prefer!). Not only does this event help West Moors look fabulous, it’s also a great way to protect local wildlife, the environment and meet new people.

Another volunteer expressed how good it feels knowing you are making a difference.

We think the bi-monthly events are indeed making a difference, as there was half the number of bags rounded up today. Let’s keep going!

Thank you again in advance, to Dorset Waste Services (DWS) street cleaning crew for collecting this all on Monday!

Amongst our litter heroes today were; Rosie Brown, Cllr Trevor Salt, Val Kelly, Gillian Chandler, Linda & Alan Postawa, David Mansfield, Chris Wilson, Josh Davy & Parents, Mrs Alex Clarke, Angie Light, Alex, Jean & Harry White and Jan Joyce and Pete Osborne.

Since July 21 we have carried out 17 litter picks.

West Moors Town Council are incredibly proud of each and every one of you that give your time to help improve where we live, whether it is by joining our litter picks or doing your own, or just not dropping it!

Thank You everyone.

See you all in July!!