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Nursing Students Recycle to Help Hospice

Nursing students’ uniforms at the University of Winchester are blue but they are gaining a ‘green’ pedigree.

The University a ‘swap shop’ for students on the BN Hons Nursing course to recycle their old and non-fitting garments and for graduates to return uniform.

Some of these uniforms are past saving but they can still be put to good use.

Worn out items can now be recycled in a cloth bank on the West Downs Campus which is helping raise funds for the nearby Winchester Hospice.

In future all uniform that is no longer fit for purpose will be placed in this bin.

The bright pink bin is also open to any other clothing donations from students and the public.

Miranda Chubb¸ Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Sustainability Officer, said:

“We are very grateful to the University nursing students for choosing to either re-use or recycle their old uniforms via their swap shop or our clothing bank.”
“Not only is this in line with the Trust’s Green Plan to improve sustainability, reduce carbon emissions and support the circular economy, the funds raised will be used to support Winchester Hospice.”
“The Hospice provides invaluable support for those who need specialist palliative and end-of- life care, helping individuals to live as full a life as possible either as an inpatient or while being cared for at home, making a real difference to those in the community and their families.”

Dean of the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at the University, Elizabeth Davies-Ward, said:

“We are immensely proud of our nursing student. Their commitment to caring extends way beyond the person as demonstrated by this initiative.”