In the summer the Parish Council consulted with residents about possible projects that could be carried out using CIL funding.
From time to time the PC receives additional funding from Dorset Council in the form of the ‘Community Infrastructure Levy’. This is sometimes referred to as CIL payments. CIL is a charge which is levied by local authorities on new developments in the area. It is a useful financial tool to help authorities deliver improvements to the local infrastructure. The PC receives a small percentage of the overall CIL collected by Dorset Council.
Currently the PC has £50,000 of CIL funding available and may receive more in the future. It has a duty to spend the CIL money it receives on infrastructure projects which will benefit the residents of this parish. In the past CIL funding has been used to fully refurbish the playpark in Braeside Rec. The PC must spend the CIL funding it receives within 5 years of receiving it.
We received a considerable number of responses to our consultation which appeared in this magazine and on social media. Many of the ideas were excellent and fulfilled the criteria that CIL funding could be spent on. Unfortunately, several suggestions were not suitable for CIL funding or would prove too expensive. Many thanks to all who responded.
A reminder of relevant topics that fulfill the CIL criteria:
- Improvements to existing recreation areas or forested areas under PC management.
- New recreation area or forested area projects.
- Works that may improve the health and safety of the area.
- Works that may improve road safety. The PC is fairly limited in this area as Dorset Council are responsible for the management of the roads and pavements.
- The provision of additional services.
As a result of the consultation, a list of twenty projects was produced. A working party of councillors was created to discuss these projects and to rank them in order of preference. The working party created a list of six preferred projects, which they recommended to full council. It was proposed that these projects be taken forward for costing and feasibility. The other projects on the list will remain and be assessed again in the future.
Full Council met on 29th November 2023 and supported the six projects. The parish clerk was tasked with carrying out a more detailed appraisal of the six projects and to report back to committee in January 2024 with costs and technical information. There are several grants available that it is hoped could offset some of the costs. The Clerk will investigate these grants.
The six projects are:
Provision of a second Speed Indicator Device (SID). The PC currently has one SID which it deploys on a rotational basis on Woolsbridge Road, Verwood Road and Boundary Lane. It recognises that other roads in the parish could benefit from a second SID. The proposed roads it would be used on are Sandy Lane, Hurn Road and the Service Road. Surveys of the proposed roads are required and then agreements with Dorset Council Highways negotiated and entered into.
Provision of a defibrillator in an area near to the High Steet/Castleman Trailway. There are defibrillators located within the parish area but none near the High Street/Castleman Trailway. A suitable location needs to be identified that has power and a Wi-Fi signal and is easily accessible externally.
Playpark Communications Board. This is a board that has symbols and words on it and is positioned in the playpark. Its aim is to assist and enhance communication skills, by providing a visual aid that allows children to express their thoughts and feelings. The board can be especially useful for those who struggle with verbal communication or have limited speech.
Braeside Copse wildflower meadow and orchard. This initiative would create a wildflower meadow in one part of the copse. An area for seating would be provided for residents to sit in a peaceful, flowering area. In addition, a section of the copse would be devoted to an orchard. A variety of fruit trees would be planted and the fruit would be free to all. Perhaps you would like to be involved in planting a tree. Consultation will be required to determine the best location, types of trees and their positioning and on future maintenance.
Bus shelters for school children waiting for the school bus. At the moment there is no protection for children waiting for the school bus in the mornings. Bus shelters could be installed on the pavements to provide some protection. The exact location and number of shelters is to be investigated.
Improved signage to the Village Hall complex. The Village Hall complex in Braeside Road is always very busy with a variety of user groups and clubs. In addition, there are permanent facilities here such as the parish office, tennis club, bowls club, nursery and the scouts/guides. These all need advertising. Individual signage at the entrance to the site has started to get cluttered and is not uniform. A totem pole style sign board is an idea where all groups can be advertised whilst maintaining an ordered and attractive entrance area. Arms projecting from the post would each have a sign board hanging from it that would advertise the groups occupying the site and displaying useful Village Hall information.
We are still open to ideas from residents on suitable future projects.
Please contact the Parish Council in the following ways:
By letter (or hand delivered letter) to The Clerk, Parish Office, Village Hall, Braeside Road, St Leonards, Ringwood, Hants, BH24 2PJ
By email to the Clerk on