01202 894397

Wimborne Gardening Club: Have you heard what’s growing?

Wimborne Horticultural Society are relaunching into the Wimborne Gardening Club and we welcome all from the novice to the experienced.

The first event to get the Club off to a flying start will be an Autumn Show at the Allendale Community Centre on Saturday 9th September so if you a home-grower why not enter one of the categories…The different classes will be under the headings of Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers, Floral Art and Cookery. Entry forms will be available from various venues around the Town.

More details are available at wimbornegardeningclub.co.uk or contact Tony Beard on 01202 880116

We will be meeting at the Allendale Community Centre on the 1st Monday of each month at 7.30pm commencing on Monday 2nd October with our guest speaker David Ewer from Dorset Coppicing telling us all about the benefits of Hazel.

We are a friendly bunch so we do hope you can join us. So please support the Show and then our monthly meetings with exciting speakers on a variety of interesting subjects.