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An All-time First For Shakespeare and Portland

For the first time ever, SISATA’s exciting new adaptation of The Tempest will be setting the world of the play within Dorset’s very own Portland.

Portland-based actor Anna Takashima shared:
“Portland has this almost mystical island quality, so it does feel quite comparable with a lot of ‘The Tempest’. It’s so interesting the connections, the will of nature, and the mystical and spiritual aspects. As well as the contemporary issues of climate change, ocean plastics and the incinerator. Because the project has been so inspired by Portland, for me as a Portlander, I think it’s nice to be able to share the Portland experience to a wider audience. And especially describing these themes of the impact of climate change on coastal communities, and reaching a wider audience with those messages.”

The all-Dorset-based cast will be touring this outdoor production of The Tempest throughout the UK this summer, ending with a show-stopping finale at Portland Castle, where members of the Portland Community will become part of the show.

Dorchester’s Alastair Simpson (playing the role of Caliban) said

“It’s been great discovering more about this island, this community that is close geographically to where I’ve grown up, but somewhere I didn’t really know much about”
Hopefully by the end of this three month tour, audiences nationwide will discover more about the Portland experience for themselves and be made aware of the severe impact of climate change on coastal communities such as this.

Book your tickets for SISATA’s tour of The Tempest at: sisata.co.uk