01202 894397

Sound & Vision Combined – Weyhill Electronic Organ Society

Guest artiste at the WEOS concert on 20 April is DAVID THOMAS from Thetford in Norfolk, making his sixth appearance at Weyhill. In common with several other players on the circuit, David is fully aware of the other side of entertainment, having been responsible (along with his wife) for the establishment and development of a similar music club near to his home.

His ability as an electronic keyboard player is supplemented by his skill and experience in creating additional screen graphics. He provides film coverage for some of the largest festivals and finds himself in demand at many events as both a player and technician.

He has been performing for dances and concerts for over thirty years and with his easy listening style, along with his gentle humour, he has been in demand throughout the UK and in Europe. More information can be found on his website:


The concert commences at 7.30 p.m. (doors open at 7 p.m.) and tickets at £6.00 are available at the door.

Further information about the Club can be obtained at:


or by phoning 01264 323213