01202 894397

The Three Bees Project – New Initiative for Andover

Britain’s bees and our other pollinating insects are in serious trouble and they need our help – FAST! Many of our native bee species are facing extinction¹ due to a number of different threats, climate change among them. But there’s one factor, habitat loss, which we all have the power to do something about right now.

By creating a connected pollinator pathway we can benefit bees and many other insects, while also providing habitats for spiders, birds, small mammals and plants. This will also help to buffer the effects of climate change.

In recent times, more than any other time in history, communities are suffering from a loss of connection with each other and the natural world. The impact this is having on mental health is leading to a public health crisis.

The simple act of working together in the fresh air to improve our local environment, making a significant impact on the health and diversity of the ecosystem and forming positive human connections could bring immediate benefits to everyone involved, whether they have two legs, six or eight!

Join us in creating a pollinator pathway that will grow and develop year on year to make a lasting contribution to the health and wellbeing of the people and creatures of Andover or where you live.

How to get involved.

Register and pledge your plot of land – anything from 1m x 1m to a football pitch at https://thethreebeesproject.org or message us at Facebook.com/thethreebeesproject

Fly solo or get together your team – reach out to people at work, school or a community group. It’s all about working together.

Prepare your patch.

Plant your seeds and watch them grow – check out the Seed Bank options

Join our facebook community to share pictures as your patch blossoms

Eat, sleep, plant, repeat next year… and the next… You get the idea!

Seed Bank
