01202 894397

Bi-Monthly Litter Pick Saturday 4th March 2023

There were FRESH FACES from new recruits for this litter pick, one bringing his dedicated Children along, which was perfect, as it is their future we are trying to protect, as well as our present. One of our volunteers hobbled on her rounds with a painful foot ( would have insisted on her giving apologies for this one if known!), another climbed into a ditch to retrieve hidden rubbish (not recommended due to health and safety) and last but not least, one kindly spent extra time separating the recyclable items from landfill ones, helping the planet that little bit more. The sincere dedication of our West Moors residents is undeniable.

Between these 20 wonderfully generous litter heroes, 26 bags of rubbish were removed off the streets of West Moors.

It would bring satisfaction to say that the litter pick today was an early Spring Clean, but unfortunately, West Moors Town Council have been carrying out bi-monthly litter picks, since 2021, and this was yet another necessary clean-up of litter that is strewn onto our streets, every day.

An unacceptable amount of cigarette butts were torn off the pavements by many of the volunteers. Many do not know, that cigarette butts are made of a type of plastic (plasticised cellulose acetate), and are not biodegradable. One can take 14 years to break apart, its toxins seeping into the earth. It breaks apart into microplastics which stay in the environment for an unknown period of time.

Fourteen years due to one second of selfishness. Before you flick, please think.

Despite the amount of litter that is unearthed during these regular events, we are proud of West Moors and those that live and visit here, that DO treat it, therefore each other, with respect.

You can join us on our next litter pick in May, or simply as individuals on your daily walks or as part of a larger community clean up group.

Monday 8th May will be the next litter pick, to coincide with the BIG HELP OUT for the King Charles III Coronation weekend.

Keep an eye out on our website, notice boards and Facebook.

Why not share with us your success stories and perhaps a picture of you and the waste you have collected? Please visit our website for information and guidance on litter picking:
