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News from Westminster – March 2023

Over the last month or so I have been out and about in the constituency on Fridays and at weekends. Whilst there have been days where it’s been pretty cold chatting to residents on their doorsteps, thankfully it has mostly not been too wet! I have also been hearing back from hundreds of Wareham residents who have returned my survey about the level crossing. If you have received one please do let me know your views.

As well as helping residents with casework, it’s always great to hear from local entrepreneurs and businesses. I recently met two local inventors from Poole who are developing their non- spill jerrycan. For anyone who ever has to fill up a jerrycan this is a brilliant solution to that spill as you fill up, and could save thousands of gallons of fuel a year!

I’m delighted that a local pub has been nominated for a regional award – with the possibility of getting to the national finals. The Chequers Inn in Lytchett Matravers is a South West regional finalist in the Countryside Alliance Rural Awards, which celebrate British food and farming. The Chequers are well known for not just their great food and warm welcome, but also their work for the local community, including their Meal Club which offers free meals for those in need. In order to win, and get through to the national final, they need your vote!

Please do visit www.research.net/r/caawardsswbusiness and give them your support.

If you live in the BCP Council area, you will have elections for the local council coming up in May. The rules have changed about voting, and you will now need a form of photo ID with you when you go to vote. You can use various different types of photo ID, and if you do not have one you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate. You apply for this online here: www.gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voter-authority-certificate , and you must do so by the 25 th April. If you have a photo ID that has expired (like an old passport) you can still use it as long as you are recognisable from the photo. There are more details and a full list of what ID you can use on my website.

Last month I had a fantastic evening of entertainment courtesy of Broadstone Pantomime Productions, who put on a great show with “Freezing”. This season they are supporting the very worthy cause of Teddy20 supporting children with cancer. If you are running a charitable event or show, please do get in touch and let me know.

This column can only ever give a small taster of what I have been doing; every month I send out an email newsletter, with more details of what I have been doing in both the constituency and Parliament. You can sign up on my website, or you can email me.

I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if there is something you need help with, or if you’d like me to visit your organisation or business. Email me on michael.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk or contact my office on 01202 624216

You can also follow what I’ve been doing on Twitter @Michael4mdnp or Facebook www.facebook.com/michael4MDNP or on my website www.michaeltomlinson.org.uk