01202 894397

Ferndown Home Library Service volunteers honoured with Long Service Awards by RVS

At a coffee morning at Ferndown Library in December, three RVS Home Library Service volunteers were presented with their Long Service Awards by Maria Jacobson, RVS Service Manager Dorset Home Library Service.

Judy Brown, Diane Pollitt and Laurie Smith received their 15 Year medals, and Laurie Smith was also honoured with a 20-year badge. Mrs Pollitt and Mr Smith have now retired from volunteering.

The Home Library Service is provided by Dorset Council and delivered every 3 weeks by RVS volunteers. It is available free of charge to anybody who loves to read but finds it difficult to get books at their local library due to health or mobility issues. It is free to join, and books and/or talking books are chosen for each person individually, based on their personal preferences and requests. As one of our clients states: ‘This service has been a real lifeline for me, not being able to get to the library myself, and so loving books, and it provides someone to talk to and to visit me at least once a month.’

To find out more about receiving this service please contact Maria Jacobson, RVS Service Manager Dorset Home Library Service, on:
01305 236666
or e-mail:
or contact your local library.

Photo: Home Library Service volunteer Judy Brown with her medal.