01202 894397

Ringwood Twinning Association

After the restrictions and challenges of the past two years come and meet new friends at the RINGWOOD TWINNING ASSOCIATION.

We have been twinned with Pont-Audemer in Normandy since 1986. Visits between the two towns take place every year with a very interesting programme of events organised by the host town.

The only cost of participation is the ferry to France.

Note : You do not have to speak French in order to participate in one of these visits, but just a smattering certainly helps the ‘entente cordiale’.

We hold various social functions during the year, including concerts, wine tasting, barbecues and quizzes, some of which are for members only.

Membership is just £20 per annum

For more information about Ringwood Twinning Association call June on : 07779 997879

We are a friendly group and look forward to meeting you.