01202 894397


The latest news from all our areas

The Wimborne Horticultural Society needs your support. An urgent appeal is being made to all those interested in Horticulture and Gardening. The Wimborne Horticultural Society has been running in one form or another since the 1850’s and for many years now has run both a successful Spring and Summer/Autumn Show. Monthly Meetings are held with interesting Speakers and Outings have been arranged to places of interest.

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Society the Chairman reported on the success of the two Shows held this year but he also reported on a dwindling Membership so an urgent appeal is being made for new members in order for the Society to continue into 2023 and beyond. With an increase in new housing all around the Town and with at least half a dozen allotment areas there must be people interested in all things Horticulture.

The Annual Shows have always incorporated Arts, Crafts and Flower Arranging as well as Horticulture, Flowers and Vegetables, Cookery and even Photography. Other categories could be included such as exhibitions of Arts and Crafts made by local people.
So please give this matter your urgent consideration so that we can be ready to put on Shows in 2023. The next meeting takes place in the Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne Minster at 7.30.pm will be on Monday 9th January. Why not come along and find out what it is all about.

Further details on the Society can be obtained from the Show Manager, Tony Beard on:
01202 880116