01202 894397

Help and advice from Independent Hearing Services

During these unprecedented and extremely challenging times, those who are struggling with hearing loss or tinnitus, may be at even greater risk of feelings of isolation, anxiety and loneliness. At Independent Hearing Services, our patient wellbeing is incredibly important to us and we are happy to offer support over the telephone whilst we follow the Government advice to stay at home. We are always happy to discuss your hearing problem, order batteries for your hearing aids or just have a chat to keep connected. It’s completely natural to worry at times of change and we all hope that these periods of isolation will be temporary for us all.

There are some simple things we can do to look after our mental health and wellbeing during this period of self-isolation.

  1. Stay in contact with family, friends or neighbours. Call someone regularly as it’s good to talk. Even better, set up a video chat via a platform like WhatsApp. Smiling and talking boosts our endorphins and makes us feel good.
  2. Try to keep busy like reading a book, watch a funny film, listen to uplifting music, learn a new skill online or cook your favourite meal.
  3. Try to keep active where possible with stretches or walking.
  4. Take time to look through your photos. Thinking about happy memories can boost our serotonin levels in our brain and boost our mood.
  5. Stay safe and stay home but please don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. There is plenty of advice available on gov.uk and www.nhs.uk about coronavirus and support you can receive.

If you need advice about your hearing or hearing aid, please call Ray and Marianne Jones, Independent Hearing Services on 01202 861522.